In this episode of the Film Colossus Podcast, we traverse the psychological labyrinth known as: The Silence of the Lambs. We revisit this classic thriller...
In this episode of the Film Colossus Podcast, we share a winding, whirling discussion about the 1955 classic: Rebel Without a Cause. What follows isn’t...
In this episode of the Film Colossus Podcast, we make everybody mad by defending the much-maligned superhero masterpiece: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice....
In this episode of the Film Colossus Podcast, we navigate the murky waters of religious hysteria with the 2024 Sydney Sweeney nun flick: Immaculate....
In this episode of the Film Colossus Podcast, we celebrate Dune—no, not that Dune. We’re talking about that old polarizing one that David Lynch directed. We...
In this episode of the Film Colossus Podcast, we dive headfirst into what is currently the cinematic event of the century: Denis Villeneuve’s Dune: Part...
This is a guest post by our friend Taylor Hawkins.
In professional wrestling, there is something called the “Dusty Finish," which is named after the...