The Film Colossus Podcast

At Film Colossus, Chris Lambert and Travis Bean explain the deeper meaning of movies. From exploring themes to answering questions to explaining endings, they provide comprehensive breakdowns of the movies that pervade your mind for months, for years after you’ve watch them.

But there’s still more to explore—which is why we started the Film Colossus podcast. In each episode, Chris and Travis further break down classic movies that reveal themselves the more and more you think and talk about them. These conversations allow Chris and Travis to pull back the layers even further, revealing new depths about a movie’s meaning.

Since starting the podcast in December 2022, Film Colossus has achieved over 1 million downloads and currently averages 140,000 listens per month.

It’s available on all podcast platforms. Click here for the link to Apple and Spotify, or listen to episodes in our player below.