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Suspiria explained: why Susie erased Klemperer’s memories (and more)

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  1. I believe your interpretation is wrong.
    Through the movie, they make a passing point about how women have been treated through the ages and how the school was sanctuary to them. There’s also the scene with the hypnotized cops and some other more subtler signs. But most telling of all facts in this movie is the phrase “we need shame and guilt but not yours” a phrase which Susie tells to the only trully established redeemable man in the movie, which just so happens to be played by a woman. That choice betrays the unwillingness of the movie to even entertain the notion that a man could be redeemable, it’s a cheeky wink to those recognized her or read the credits.

    In short, the movie, as so many these days, was written as a declaration of war. A very subtle, very well thought through and written one, but a declaration of war nonetheless. The “better tomorrow” you speak of is AFTER achieving that guilt and shame which THEY need (not humanity, not the world, THEY the witches, THEY the wronged ones, THEY the women).

    • I know this is an old comment but I felt worth mentioning that guilt and shame was achieved among the witches – the scene the morning after the sabbath of Ms. Tanner (the true witness) realizing what they’d done and the consequences that brought demonstrates that.

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