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I Saw the TV Glow explained

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  1. I feel like I haven’t heard many people talk about Owen’s dad even though, at least to me, he seemed to play a pretty big role in the film and influencing how Owen turned out. He was the first to put that doubt into Owen’s mind, saying “Isn’t that a show for girls?” When Owen showed interested in the Pink Opaque. And one of the scenes that was most unsettling to me personally was when Owen got home from work or wherever and his dad is just sitting there, on the couch, staring at him. Like he had this look of contempt or /something/ when he looked at Owen. And then his dad is there again, ripping Owen away from the TV he stuck his head into, as he tried to reach his true reality. He then held Owen under the shower water, as Owen screams and screams, and his dad doesn’t say anything, just holds him there. I feel like yeah, Owen didn’t accept what he knew was real deep down inside of him, but I do think that his dad seemed to also be there every time he started to consider, “hey, maybe this isn’t me.” and his dad was always there to suppress it even further. His dad barely had any lines, but obviously made a huge lasting (albeit negative) impression on Owen’s life, and I feel like that deserves to be talked about!

    • I read a theory his dad is the Melancholy Man there to keep Owen in line and that Maddy’s abusive stepfather was also the Melancholy Man! Absolutely terrifying concept but makes sense to me

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