Master Gardener | Movie Guide






Welcome to our Colossus Movie Guide for Master Gardener. This guide contains everything you need to understand this film. Dive into our detailed library of content, covering key aspects of the movie. We encourage your comments to help us create the best possible guide. Thank you!

The Quick Analysis

Master Gardener is all about renewal and rebirth. Narvel, a former white supremacist, is troubled by his ugly past and would like to become a new man. He keeps his tattoos as a reminder of who he once was. But they also serve as a symbolic anchor that holds him back, muddying his self-image and forcing him to keep a distance from everybody else. He adopts a job focused on growth and cultivation, yet cannot seem to harvest a new life for himself.

Norma and Maya become opposing sides in this tense battle. Norma embraces Narvel’s secrets and beckons his shielded persona, while Maya recognizes Narvel’s attempt to develop and tempts his soft, vulnerable side. Where Norma is controlling and limiting, Maya is open and inviting—she releases the shackles from Narvel and pushes him erase the past and grow a new life with her at Gracewood Gardens. To do this, he must stand up to Norma, he must exorcise his demons (by removing his tattoos and taking the thugs to task), and he must be willing to receive love from Maya and reciprocate it.


  • Joel Edgerton – Narvel Roth
  • Sigourney Weaver – Norma Haverhill
  • Quintessa Swindell – Maya Core
  • Esai Morales – Oscar Neruda
  • Eduardo Losan – Xavier
  • Victoria Hill – Isobel Phelps
  • Amy Le – Janine
  • Erika Ashley – Maggie
  • Jared Bankens – R.G.
  • Matt Mercurio – Sissy
  • Rick Cosnett – Stephen Collins

Movie Guide

Title Explanation

What does the title Master Gardener signify? How does it relate to the movie’s intentions and storyline? Coming soon. 

Themes and Meaning

Discover themes that help us define Master Gardener’s commentary, message, and meaning. Coming soon.

Ending Explained

Confused by the ending of Master Gardener? Our comprehensive explanation will clear up any lingering questions. Coming soon.

Important Motifs

Delve into the important motifs that highlight the most critical moments of symbolism in Master Gardener. Coming Soon. 

Key Shots

Explore the most important and symbolic shots that help us understand the deeper meaning of Master Gardener. Coming soon.

Movies Like Master Gardener

Enjoyed Master Gardener? Discover our recommendations for movies with similar themes and vibes. Coming soon.

Questions and Answers

If you have questions about Master Gardener, we have answers. Comment what you’re curious about and receive a response. Coming soon.

Travis Bean
Travis Bean
Travis Bean is co-founder of Colossus. He writes about the impact of art on his life and the world around us.
Movie Explanations

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