My Cinephile Journey | Federico Fellini






The first entry into My Cinephile Journey will be the films of Federico Fellini. Here, I will house all the different articles I will write as I burn through the Criterion Collection’s “Essential Fellini” boxset, which includes 14 of Fellini’s films, as well as interviews, commentaries, film essays, and documentaries. As I digest this boxset, I will write about whatever comes to mind, with the unifying factor between my writings being how the movies make me feel, how my relationship with Fellini and his artistry evolves as I dive deeper.

  1. Variety Lights (1950) | What Fellini learned from Neorealism

TL Bean
TL Bean
TL Bean is co-founder of Colossus. He writes about the impact of art on his life and the world around us.
Movie Explanations

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