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Aftersun explained (2022)

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Reader Interactions


  1. Honestly, I wish there were scenes showing Adult Sophie coming to terms with her father’s decision and trying not to fall into the same pattern with her wife and baby ( which we could have seen more too 🙂 )

    • Yeah. It seems like most of Adult Sophie’s story is just maybe having more of an understanding of who her dad was. Rather than how it relates to her life or means for her life.

  2. This is a movie where u get a little more each time you watch it. It will definitely keep your wheels spinning for a while! Wonder is an incredibly complex feeling but it brings out the deepest parts of our spirit.

  3. I could relate to this file very much. I was painful to watch. I practically was Calum. As a divorced father, I suffered through the same type of depression, much of which came from being separated from my daughter and ex-wife. When Calum asked Sophie to give his love to his mother, that was very telling for me. I did the same thing. I was wracked with guilt, wishing I had somehow been a better husband, and being away from my daughter was my fault. Around my daughter, I would put on the happy brave face, but underneath I wanted to die. I thought about it many times, but thankfully could never bring myself to do it. I have specific good memories of spending time with my daughter that I knew would haunt me for the rest of my life. Almost like snapshots in my mind. Good memories, similar to the vacation in the movie, but always with a sense of underlying dread it was all slowly slipping away with each passing day. I wanted so desperately to connect with my daughter, but I didn’t have the emotional tools. I still struggle with it, but now 30 years later I have learned to cope, mostly with denial. Not the healthiest approach, but it gets me through the day. Great film! I’m not sure I could watch it a second time. That really hit close to home.

    • Thank You Mike for sharing & I guarantee … your daughter thanks you too. Hugs.

      • Thank you Dea. I have never posted anything on any board online, but this film and article really resonated with me. It’s nice to know someone heard me. Take care. Mike

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