On May 16, 2002, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones made its theatrical debut. Set ten years after the events of the first Star Wars prequel film The Phantom...
In this section of the Colossus Movie Guide for Don't Worry Darling, we look at the key shots that help us understand the film.
Alice – Florence...
In this section of the Colossus Movie Guide for Don't Worry Darling, we will discuss the meaning behind the movie's title.
Alice – Florence PughJack...
What is Being John Malkovich about?
Being John Malkovich is all about, ironically enough, being yourself. When Craig enters the mind of John Malkovich, he...
In this episode of the Film Colossus Podcast, we traverse the psychological labyrinth known as: The Silence of the Lambs. We revisit this classic thriller...
In this episode of the Film Colossus Podcast, we share a winding, whirling discussion about the 1955 classic: Rebel Without a Cause. What follows isn’t...