Drive | Ending Explained






In this section of our Colossus Movie Guide for Drive, we will explain the film’s ending.


  • Ryan Gosling – The Driver
  • Carey Mulligan – Irene Gabriel
  • Bryan Cranston – Shannon
  • Albert Brooks – Bernie Rose
  • Oscar Isaac – Standard Gabriel
  • Christina Hendricks – Blanche
  • Ron Perlman – Nino ‘Izzy’ Paolozzi
  • Kaden Leos – Benicio Gabriel
  • James Biberi – Chris Cook
  • Jeff Wolfe – Assassin In The Tan Suit
  • Russ Tamblyn – Doc
  • Andy San Dimas – Dancer
  • Hossein Amini – Writer
  • Nicolas Winding Refn – Director

The end of Drive explained


In the final sequences of Drive, the protagonist, referred to only as The Driver, finds himself in a complex and dangerous situation. His association with Irene’s husband, Standard, leads him into a botched heist that results in the death of Standard and the theft of a significant amount of money from the mob.

The Driver arranges a meeting with Bernie in a restaurant. During the meeting, Bernie proposes a deal: the stolen money for Irene and Benicio’s safety. The Driver, however, will always be looking over his shoulder, under threat from the criminal underworld.

In the following scene, they walk out to The Driver’s car to retrieve the money. As they exchange the money, Bernie stabs The Driver in the stomach. However, The Driver anticipated this betrayal and retaliates, killing Bernie. But The Driver himself has been fatally wounded.

With the money and the threat gone, The Driver ensures Irene and Benicio’s safety. He rests in his car, heavily bleeding. As he sits, he clutches the wound in his stomach. He remains motionless, staring into the distance, leaving the audience wondering about his fate. He then drives away, leaving Bernie’s dead body in the parking lot.

The next scene shows Irene knocking on The Driver’s apartment door. When there’s no response, she goes to knock again but stops herself. Her face expressing concern and confusion, she has perhaps realized that The Driver will not be coming back

We then return to The Driver. Still in his car, he drives through the city at night, seemingly leaving behind the life he had started to build with Irene and Benicio. The movie concludes with his car disappearing into the darkness, leaving his future uncertain.


In the closing scenes of Drive, the film’s most salient themes—in particular, the duality of human nature and the search for identity—find resolution. Specifically, the song “A Real Hero” provides insight into The Driver and the emotional catharsis he finds. Through its evocative imagery and emotive storytelling, the film’s denouement offers a profound exploration of the human condition.

The Duality of Human Nature

The theme of human duality that permeates Drive is brilliantly encapsulated in The Driver. Throughout the narrative, he grapples with two disparate aspects of his character: the compassionate and empathetic individual, and the ruthless, violent criminal. This duality finds resolution in the final act, where these contrasting elements results in catharsis for The Driver’s character journey.

The Driver’s decision to return the stolen money to Bernie Rose is a powerful testament to his humanistic side. His intention is not to retain the ill-gotten gains but to secure the safety of Irene and her son, Benicio. This act is a manifestation of his nurturing and protective instincts, and it serves to highlight his altruistic nature. His willingness to put himself in harm’s way for the sake of others underscores the depth of his empathy and compassion, emphasizing the gentler facet of his duality.

Yet, this moment of compassion is quickly juxtaposed with an act of brutal violence, revealing the darker aspect of his character. The Driver anticipates Bernie’s betrayal and retaliates, ultimately taking Bernie’s life. Despite the violence of this act, it is not presented as a fall from grace, but rather as a necessary, albeit tragic, action in his quest for redemption. The ruthless efficiency with which he eliminates Bernie starkly contrasts with his earlier act of returning the money, thereby revealing the other side of his duality—the brutal pragmatist.

The confluence of these contrasting actions—returning the money and killing Bernie—signals a cathartic moment in The Driver’s character arc. This sequence illustrates his acceptance of both aspects of his nature, acknowledging that his capacity for compassion and violence can coexist. It’s a crucial step in his self-actualization process, marking the resolution of his internal struggle with duality.

The Driver’s solitary trip into the night symbolizes his acceptance of a new identity, one defined by his own choices rather than external circumstances. He is no longer just a driver or a criminal but a man who has made a significant sacrifice for the sake of others. His decision to drive away, despite his wounds and the uncertainty of his future, signifies a newfound resilience and autonomy, marking the final step in his journey towards self-discovery.

In addition to all of this, The Driver’s solitary journey into the night is a poignant symbol of his loneliness. Despite his deep connection with Irene, he chooses a life of solitude to ensure her safety. This act of self-imposed exile underscores the profound loneliness inherent in his character. The final shot of him disappearing into the city’s sprawling labyrinth, coupled with Irene’s unanswered knock on his empty apartment door, amplifies this sentiment. His decision to embrace solitude encapsulates the film’s exploration of isolation, underscoring the tragic paradox that his quest for connection ultimately leads to his self-imposed solitude.

The Importance of “A Real Hero”

“A Real Hero” by College and Electric Youth serves as an auditory motif in Drive, providing a deeper understanding of The Driver’s character and his search for identity. The song’s use in pivotal scenes underscores The Driver’s transformation, and its evocative lyrics offer a significant commentary on his character arc—particularly in relation to the film’s resolution.

The lyric “A real human being, and a real hero” forms the crux of The Driver’s identity exploration. The repeated use of the term “real” highlights The Driver’s struggle to reconcile the disparate parts of his identity: the caring figure in Irene and Benicio’s lives versus the efficient, violent criminal. The song’s refrain suggests an ideal to aspire to, a beacon in his quest for self-definition. It implies that a “real hero” and a “real human being” are not distinct entities but can coexist within the same person, reflecting the duality within The Driver.

As the narrative unfolds, The Driver’s actions align more with the “real hero” described in the song. His willingness to put himself in harm’s way to protect Irene and Benicio, his confrontation with Bernie, and his ultimate sacrifice to ensure their safety, all resonate with the song’s depiction of a hero. By making these choices, he is not discarding his past but integrating it into a new identity, one that echoes the qualities of the “real hero” outlined in the song.

The song then plays a significant role in elucidating the film’s ending. As The Driver drives into the night, wounded and alone, the song’s refrain underscores the transformation he has undergone. Despite his violent past and the brutal world he comes from, he has proven himself to be a “real hero” through his selfless actions. His decision to isolate himself from Irene and Benicio, despite his evident longing for connection, epitomizes his heroism, highlighting the sacrificial nature of his journey.

In essence, “A Real Hero” serves as a powerful narrative tool in Drive, contributing to the exploration of The Driver’s search for identity and the film’s deeper meaning. The song’s lyrics mirror The Driver’s evolution, providing a poignant soundtrack to his journey from an enigmatic figure to a “real human being” and a “real hero”. It encapsulates his transformation and enriches our understanding of the film’s conclusion, underscoring the significant sacrifices that accompany the path to self-discovery and heroism.

Share Your Opinion

Is there more to the ending that you think should be part of the Colossus Movie Guide for Drive? Leave your thoughts below and we’ll consider adding them. 

Travis Bean
Travis Bean
Travis Bean is co-founder of Colossus. He writes about the impact of art on his life and the world around us.
Movie Explanations

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