David Lynch’s 10 clues about Mulholland Drive






In this section of our Colossus Movie Guide for Mulholland Drive, we get an overview of the ten clues David Lynch provided to decipher the movie’s plot. We’ll refer to these ten clues throughout the guide. 

David Lynch is notorious for refusing to explain his movies. Whenever asked about his films, he is often ambiguous and vague in his answers. He prefers for people to form their own judgements and have their own experience.

However, the confusion surrounding Mulholland Drive was so great that he provided ten clues on the French DVD release of the film.

David Lynch's 10 clues about how to understand Mulholland Drive

Here are those ten clues written out, for anyone who can’t load the image:

  1. Pay particular attention in the beginning of the film: At least two clues are revealed before the credits.
  2. Notice appearances of the red lampshade.
  3. Can you hear the title of the film that Adam Kesher is auditioning actresses for? Is it mentioned again?
  4. An accident is a terrible event—notice the location of the accident.
  5. Who gives a key, and why?
  6. Notice the robe, the ashtray, the coffee cup.
  7. What is felt, realized, and gathered at the Club Silencio?
  8. Did talent alone help Camilla?
  9. Note the occurrences surrounding the man behind Winkie’s.
  10. Where is Aunt Ruth?

Essentially, these clues establish the connection between Diane’s dream world and her real life. We can use these clues as a guiding light as we work through all our questions about the movie.

TL Bean
TL Bean
TL Bean is co-founder of Colossus. He writes about the impact of art on his life and the world around us.
Movie Explanations

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