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Suzume explained (2022)

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Reader Interactions


  1. This was a joy to read. My wife and I just finished the movie and were discussing the symbolism. We both enjoyed it and picked up on the themes regarding macro/microcosmic representations of trauma due to uncontrollable natural disasters. Traumatic events are harder to process when no one is at fault due to the lack of control present in the event. We also noticed that as the main character becomes more integrated with herself and her (animus, maybe?), she simultaneously transitions clothing (From skirt to shorts and the more masculine boots, for instance). We are still unclear about some of the chair-related themes and creative representation, but I would recommend it overall. I think the West could use some of these ideas to try and reconnect to a healthy relationship with nationalism. The US has responded to the evils of its past with guilt, shame, and resentment. It needs to face those skeletons and integrate them in a way that fosters progress. The pattern of works of art like this may help to guide the way.

    • Beautifully said! I think you’re right that it’s about time that Western artists start exploring those kinds of themes like artists have in the East. A reckoning is coming for sure.

      I probably should write about the chair a bit more and the symbolism involved. To be honest I was so consumed with the overarching themes regarding trauma that those point fell by the wayside. I will update the piece when I rewatch the movie.

      Thanks for reading!

  2. Thank you for the excellent explanation. It helps me a lot to understand the movie more.

    I think the themes of Satoshi Kon and Hayao Miyazaki’s works appear a lot in this movie. Actually, I would dare to say that “Suzume” was made as hommages to their works.
    “Suzume”‘s plot – a man with a key necklace, a girl chasing the man and healing his wounds in her house, the girl chasing the man off to Hokkaido with various transportation, and earthquakes – is exactly the same as Satoshi Kon’s “Millennium Actress”. The name “Rumi”, a red sports car and room mirror scene, the line “who are you”, these must be hommages to “Perfect Blue”. The amusement park scene reminded me of a scene in “Paprika”. And a girl saving boy in the other world is what we saw in Howl’s Moving Castle and Spirited Away.
    It’s a movie of hommages, similar to Disney’s 100th anniversary movie “Wish”. But surprisingly, no one mention it.
    There must be a lot more than I mentioned. It will be exciting to find.

    • That’s a great point! We do know Makoto Shinkai is a big Miyazaki fan so it wouldn’t surprise me.

  3. Amazing article Travis! So much food for thought here. Thank you and God bless

    • Thank you for the kind words!

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